Amazon Revenue Calculator & Forecaster

calculator Gorilla ROI

With sales growth and conversion rate of , your monthly sales will be and 12 month forecast will be

Current Monthly Amazon Stats

* Exponential is unrealistic for long term growth

With sales growth and conversion rate of , your monthly sales will be and 12 month forecast will be

12 Month Forecast

How to use the Amazon revenue calculator and forecaster

This Amazon revenue calculator is a manual version. It will not automatically load the data for you.

From Seller Central, go to:

  1. Navigate: Go to Reports > Business Reports > Sales & Traffic.
  2. Select timeframe: Choose “By Month” and then 3 months or more.
  3. Gather data: Note the values for “Sessions”, “Order Item Session Percentage”, and “Average Sales per Order Item”.
  4. Estimate your growth:
    • Fast-growing? Use “Exponential” for short-term forecasts.
    • Steady growth? Choose “Linear” or adjust manually.
  5. Input costs:
    • Product COGS: 100% – Gross Margin = COGS (e.g., 40% margin = 60% COGS)
    • PPC: Total Ad Spend / Revenue (as a percentage)
    • Operating Expenses: Typically 10-25% of revenue

Let the calculator do the magic! It will use your inputs to forecast your sales growth and potential profit impact.

Questions Answered by our Amazon Sales Calculator

Identify the single biggest weak point of your Amazon business. It may be low sessions, low conversion rates or low margins. Then focus on improving that one key lever. Repeat. 7 and 8-figure sellers got to where they are because of their ability to improve each of the major levers.

New sellers and sellers who are stuck believe that it’s all about finding that one hit product. Wrong. You have to continually focus on squeezing out every drop of performance. This could mean reducing costs by a few cents, increasing sessions via outside traffic, and improving conversions from 30% to 35% with videos and images.

Find the biggest weak point in your business stats and improve on it.

Every business is different. But look for the lever with the lowest hanging fruit.

Which one is easier?

  • Improving your order value by 10%
  • or launching a brand new product?

Increasing the price of your bestseller from $10 to $11 can easily boost your Amazon revenue by 10%. However, creating a new product and getting to break even could take 6 months and tens of thousands of dollars.

Find the lever that offers the biggest bang for your buck and improve on that specific lever.

Using the calculator for an individual SKU is the same process. A SKU is a good, average or bad performer.

The goal is to:

  • Make the good SKUs great
  • Make the average SKUs good
  • Make the bad SKUs average OR liquidate

Apply the same low-hanging fruit method. What is the weakest point of the product?

  • Is the conversion low? Not enough reviews?
  • Is the price too high compared to the competition? How can you lower the cost?
  • Is the information on the page hard to understand? How can you create a better story of the product?
  • Are your margins too low? What needs to be done to increase the price and keep the shoppers buying?

This is the ultimate question.

Of all the things you can be doing and working on your business, what should you be focusing on? If you are the owner of the business, should you really be focusing on removing backgrounds from images?

To take your business to the next level there are only 6 major levers you should be strategizing, testing, and implementing.

  • Sessions – What can be done to increase traffic to listings?
  • Order Item Session % – What can be done to improve conversion rates?
  • AVG Sales per Order – What can be done to increase order values?
  • Product COGS – What can be done to reduce product costs?
  • Amazon PPC – What can be done to optimize PPC?
  • Biz Expenses – What can be done to reduce business expenses?

Our sales calculator answers the questions that unlock Amazon growth: what levers to pull and how much they’ll impact your sales.

PPC Gorilla ROI


Increase sessions by improving PPC, listing optimization for better search ranking, or creating new products.

conversion Gorilla ROI

Order Item Session %

Improve your conversion rates with better images, videos, listing optimization, and titles.

aggregators Gorilla ROI

Avg. Sales Per Order

If your average sales is $10 per order and it becomes $11.50, that is a 10% increase in total Amazon sales.

COGS Gorilla ROI

Product COGS

Think of ways to cut packaging and reduce the number of “touchpoints” a product requires to manufacture.

PPC2 Gorilla ROI

Amazon PPC

Every percentage decrease is an increase in your profit. Directly correlated 1-to-1.

Gorilla ROI

Business Expenses

Every business has expenses. The leaner you are, the more the monthly profit benefits.

Improving your listing optimization can help improve the first three points. Refer to our ultimate Amazon listing optimization guide.

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