GORILLA_PROFITLOSS() – Get detailed financials to build profit loss statement for the account or by SKU/ASIN

Sample Usage =GORILLA_PROFITLOSS(“TOY STORE”, “2022”) =GORILLA_PROFITLOSS(“TOY STORE”, “THIS YEAR”, “US”) =GORILLA_PROFITLOSS(“TOY STORE”, A2,B2,”MYSKU”) =GORILLA_PROFITLOSS(“TOY STORE”, “THIS YEAR”, “US”, , “Income-Other”) =GORILLA_PROFITLOSS(“TOY STORE”, “LAST 30 DAYS”, “FR”, ,”Amazon fees”, “YES”) Syntax description Description: Gets the financial data to build a profit and loss statement for your Amazon FBA account or by SKU/ASIN. Automatically generates a prebuilt…

GORILLA_PROFITLOSSORDERS() – See the profit per orders

Sample Usage =GORILLA_PROFITLOSSORDERS(“MyShoeStore”, “last 7 days”) =GORILLA_PROFITLOSSORDERS(“MyShoeStore”, “last month”, “IPHONE10SYX”) =GORILLA_PROFITLOSSORDERS(“MyShoeStore”, “yesterday”, , , “SHIPPED”) Syntax Description Description: Get the profit of each order. Like the manageorder() function, but other fees such as commission and FBA fees are included to calculate the profit per order. WARNING: For large sellers, do NOT use this function for…

GORILLA_GROSSPROFIT() – Get gross profit of unit solds for any set of periods

Sample Usage =GORILLA_GROSSPROFIT(“TOY STORE”, “2023”) =GORILLA_GROSSPROFIT(“TOY STORE”, “2023”, , ,”US”) =GORILLA_GROSSPROFIT(“TOY STORE”, “2023”, A2:A1000 , “DUMP” ,”US”) =GORILLA_GROSSPROFIT(“TOY STORE”, “2023”, A2:A1000 , “DUMP” , “US”, “50”, “SKU_Asc”) Syntax description Description: Get gross profit of units sold for any set of periods. Syntax: GORILLA_GROSSPROFIT(sellerId, period, [sku], [output], [marketplace], [count], [sort], [start_date], [end_date], [status], [mcf]) Seller ID…