GORILLA_SALESTOTALHIST() – Get local currency amount of sales history for a given period

Sample Usage =GORILLA_SALESTOTALHIST(“TOY STORE”) =GORILLA_SALESTOTALHIST(“TOY STORE”, “B00YD545CC”) =GORILLA_SALESTOTALHIST(“TOY STORE”, A1:A20) =GORILLA_SALESTOTALHIST(“TOY STORE”, A1:A10, “US”, “ALL”, “EXCLUDE”, 60) =GORILLA_SALESTOTALHIST(“TOY STORE”, A1:A10, “US”, “ALL”, “EXCLUDE”, 60, , ,”Yes”) =GORILLA_SALESTOTALHIST(“TOY STORE”, A1:A10, “DE”, “Canceled”, “EXCLUDE”, , “2020-01-01”, “2020-03-12”) Syntax Description Description: Get local currency amount of sales history for a given period GORILLA_SALESTOTALHIST(Seller ID, [sku], [marketplace], [status], [mcf],…

GORILLA_SALESTOTAL() – Get total sales local currency amount between any time period

Sample Usage =GORILLA_SALESTOTAL(“TOY STORE”, “Custom”, “US”, “B00YD545CC”, “Shipped”, “EXCLUDE”, “2022-01-01”, “2022-01-21”) =GORILLA_SALESTOTAL(“TOY STORE”, “This Week”,”ALL”,A2:A10) =GORILLA_SALESTOTAL(“TOY STORE”, “Same Day Last Month”, “ALL”, “IPHN3724”, “pending”) =GORILLA_SALESTOTAL(“TOY STORE”, “This Year”) Syntax Description Description: Get total sales local currency amount between any time period Syntax: GORILLA_SALESTOTAL(Seller ID, period, [marketplace], [sku], [status], [mcf], [start_date], [end_date]) Seller ID – REQUIREDEnter…

GORILLA_SALESCOUNTHIST() – Gets the historical number of units ordered between any period.

Sample Usage =GORILLA_SALESCOUNTHIST(“TOY STORE”) =GORILLA_SALESCOUNTHIST(“TOY STORE”, “B00YD545CC”) =GORILLA_SALESCOUNTHIST(“TOY STORE”, A1:A20) =GORILLA_SALESCOUNTHIST(“TOY STORE”, A1:A10, “US”, “ALL”, “EXCLUDE”, 60) =GORILLA_SALESCOUNTHIST(“TOY STORE”, A1:A10, “US”, “ALL”, “EXCLUDE”, 60, , ,”YES”) =GORILLA_SALESCOUNTHIST(“TOY STORE”, A1:A10, “DE”, “CANCELED”, “EXCLUDE”, , “2022-01-01”, “2022-03-15”) Syntax Description Description: Gets the historical number of units ordered between any period. Syntax: GORILLA_SALESCOUNTHIST(Seller ID, [sku], [marketplace], [status], [mcf],…

GORILLA_SALESCOUNT() – Gets the quantity of orders sold between any period

Sample Usage =GORILLA_SALESCOUNT(“TOY STORE”, “Custom”, “US”, “B00YD545CC”, “Shipped”, “NO”, “2021-01-01”, “2021-01-21”) =GORILLA_SALESCOUNT(“TOY STORE”, “This Week”,”ALL”,A2:A10,”ALL”) =GORILLA_SALESCOUNT(“TOY STORE”, “This Month”, “ALL”, “IPHN3724”, “Canceled”) =GORILLA_SALESCOUNT(“TOY STORE”, “Same Day Last Month”, “ALL”, “IPHN3724”, “ALL”) =GORILLA_SALESCOUNT(“TOY STORE”, “This Year”) Syntax Description: Description: Gets the quantity of orders sold between any period. Syntax: GORILLA_SALESCOUNT(Seller ID, period, [marketplace], [sku], [status], [mcf],…

GORILLA_ORDERSCOUNT() – Get the number of orders sold between any time period

Sample Usage =GORILLA_ORDERSCOUNT(“TOY STORE”, “LAST WEEK”, “US”, $A$3:$A$10, “SHIPPED”, “EXCLUDE”) =GORILLA_ORDERSCOUNT(“TOY STORE”, “LAST WEEK”) Syntax Description Description: Get number of orders for any product for any specified time period. Only the period attribute is required. Other attributes are optional. Syntax: =GORILLA_ORDERSCOUNT(Seller ID, period, [marketplace], [sku], [status], [mcf], [start_date], [end_date]) Seller ID – REQUIREDEnter the seller…

GORILLA_ORDERSCOUNTHIST() – Get daily historical orders sold

Sample Usage =GORILLA_ORDERSCOUNTHIST(“TOY STORE”) =GORILLA_ORDERSCOUNTHIST(“TOY STORE”, “B00YD545CC”) =GORILLA_ORDERSCOUNTHIST(“TOY STORE”, A1:A20) =GORILLA_ORDERSCOUNTHIST(“TOY STORE”, A1:A10, “US”, “ALL”, “EXCLUDE”, 60) =GORILLA_ORDERSCOUNTHIST(“TOY STORE”, A1:A10, “US”, “ALL”, “EXCLUDE”, 60, , ,”Yes”) =GORILLA_ORDERSCOUNTHIST(“TOY STORE”, A1:A10, “DE”, “Canceled”, “EXCLUDE”, , “2022-01-01”, “2022-03-12”) Syntax Description Description: Get number of orders history for a given period or number of days going back. =GORILLA_ORDERSCOUNTHIST(Seller ID,…

GORILLA_GROSSPROFIT() – Get gross profit of unit solds for any set of periods

Sample Usage =GORILLA_GROSSPROFIT(“TOY STORE”, “2023”) =GORILLA_GROSSPROFIT(“TOY STORE”, “2023”, , ,”US”) =GORILLA_GROSSPROFIT(“TOY STORE”, “2023”, A2:A1000 , “DUMP” ,”US”) =GORILLA_GROSSPROFIT(“TOY STORE”, “2023”, A2:A1000 , “DUMP” , “US”, “50”, “SKU_Asc”) Syntax description Description: Get gross profit of units sold for any set of periods. Syntax: GORILLA_GROSSPROFIT(sellerId, period, [sku], [output], [marketplace], [count], [sort], [start_date], [end_date], [status], [mcf]) Seller ID…

GORILLA_FINANCES() – Get sales, charges and fees for any period using payments report data

Download sample FINANCES spreadsheet with formulas ready to go. Sample Usage =GORILLA_FINANCES(“TOY STORE”, “Custom”, “Selling price (Principal)”, “shipment”, “US”, “SKU12345”, “2021-01-01”, “2021-03-16”) =GORILLA_FINANCES(“TOY STORE”, “Last Year”, A1:A13) =GORILLA_FINANCES(“TOY STORE”, A1:A5, A2:A12, “adjustment”, “US”) Syntax Description Description: Get inventory movement status of a product such as how many is in stock, transfer or inbound. Syntax: GORILLA_FINANCES(Seller…

GORILLA_CHARGETOTAL() – Get financials breakdown of sales & charges related to sale of product

THIS FUNCTION IS NOW REPLACED WITH FINANCES() Sample Usage =GORILLA_CHARGETOTAL(“This Month”) or =GORILLA_CHARGETOTAL(“2019-04”) =GORILLA_CHARGETOTAL(“Last 30 Days”,“ALL”, ,“ShippingTax”, “shipment”) or =GORILLA_CHARGETOTAL(“Last 30 Days”,“ALL”, ,“ShippingTax”) =GORILLA_CHARGETOTAL(“This Year”,“default”, , , “shipment”) =GORILLA_CHARGETOTAL(“2019Q2”,“US”,“B038434K3”, , “refund”) =GORILLA_CHARGETOTAL(“Last 30 Days”,“ALL”, , , “ADJUSTMENT”) =GORILLA_CHARGETOTAL(“2109Q1”,“DE”, , , “OTHER”) Empty variables are accepted if you want to skip over the optional ones. =GORILLA_CHARGETOTAL(“2019Q1”,…

GORILLA_BIZSALES() – Get sales data from business reports

Sample Usage =GORILLA_BIZSALES(“TOY STORE”, “Custom”, “B00YD545CC”, “US”, “INCLUDE”, “ALL”, , “2023-12-01”, “2023-12-21”) =GORILLA_BIZSALES(“TOY STORE”, “Custom”, “B00YD545CC”, “US”, “INCLUDE”, “ALL”, 21) =GORILLA_BIZSALES(“TOY STORE”, “This Week”, A2:A10, “US”, , “ALL”) =GORILLA_BIZSALES(“TOY STORE”, “This Month”, “IPHN3724”, , , “OrderedProductSales”) =GORILLA_BIZSALES(“TOY STORE”, “Same Day Last Month”, “IPHN3724”, “US”) =GORILLA_BIZSALES(“TOY STORE”, “This Year”) Example of formula and output screenshot Syntax…