Yes. We use it daily to help us make decisions.
Here’s how we use Gorilla ROI and Gorilla Sheets.
- Track inventory levels by comparing 7 day, 14 day, 30 day trends and other seasonal factors to determine when, what and how much to send of our products.
- Know when to order more inventory to keep levels at optimal levels. We no longer over or under order.
- Accurately calculate our product pricing. Our pricing has drastically improved. We no longer lose money when we think we are making profits.
- See and compare sales performance of each SKU to stay on top of the business.
- and more
We started selling on Amazon in 2013 and with the growth that we have experienced, this was a tool that we developed and used internally.
After speaking with many sellers and their interest when we explained how we do things in our business, we decided to create a version so that all sellers can benefit by automating and streamlining the number updating and business analyzing.