Sample Usage
🚨 Use ranges (e.g.A2:A1000) in your formula wherever possible for quicker results and to prevent Google from blocking your account for 24 hrs due to overloading their resources.
=GORILLA_ADIDCONV("TOY STORE","US",B4:B639,"adgroup2adprod")
=GORILLA_ADIDCONV("TOY STORE","US",B4:B639,"adgroup2adprod", "enabled")
Syntax Description

Convert between any ad data ID to another ID in the Amazon system.
⚠️ Important Note:
Data from all advertising related functions are based on your advertising attributed sales. Not regular organic sales.
When you see datapoints such as sales7d or conversions7d, it means the SP SALES or the SP CONVERSIONS. Not the total sales over the last 7 days. Only the converted SP or PPC SALES. This is the same for spend, units sold, and performance numbers. It is all based on the PPC spend, PPC units sold, PPC performance.
- Regular advertising functions (non HIST functions) aggregate the values of the period you enter. E.g. SPPRODSALES() will display the combined data over the period you enter such as “last month”.
- HIST functions such as SPSALESPRODHIST() displays the daily value.
- All values are PPC attributed data.
GORILLA_ADIDCONV(sellerId, [marketplace], filter, [direction], [status], [header])
Enter the seller ID or nickname you entered in your Gorilla account.
OPTIONAL-Marketplace country filter. Country codes are US, CA, MX, BR, UK, DE, ES, IT, FR, NL, PL, TR, IN, SE, AE, AU, SG, JP, EG, SA. Use ALL to combine values from a single account, ‘EU’ for all Europe markets EXCEPT UK, ‘EURO’ to combine countries using EURO currency.
The range of values want to convert. Can be a range of values like A1:A100 where A1 to A100 consists of values like SKU111, SKU222, SKU333 or ASIN123…
OPTIONAL – Conversion direciton. Left Input, Right Output. Valid conversion types are: adcampaign2adgroup (DEFAULT), adcampaign2adprod, adcampaign2adkeyword, adgroup2adcampaign, adgroup2adprod, adgroup2adkeyword, adprod2adcampaign, adprod2adgroup, adkeyword2adcampaign, adkeyword2adgroup
OPTIONAL – Filter by status. Status are: enabled, paused, archived, all but archived and all. If the status is empty, it will filter by ‘enabled’
Include the header line in the results. Possible values: TRUE/FALSE. Default: TRUE.

🚨 Use ranges (e.g.A2:A1000) in your formula wherever possible for quicker results and to prevent Google from blocking your account for 24 hrs due to overloading their resources.
This will provide a DUMP of converted Campaign Name to Adgroup Name, with “US” as the marketplace and B4:B386 being the CampaignName. The data dump contains the lists of Campaign Name and Adgroup Name.
=GORILLA_ADIDCONV("TOY STORE","US",B4:B639,"adgroup2adprod")
This will provide a DUMP of converted Campaign Name to Adgroup Name, with “US” as the marketplace and B4:B386 being the CampaignName. The data dump contains the lists of Adgroup Name and Adprod. The direction is from “adgroup2adprod”.
=GORILLA_ADIDCONV("TOY STORE","US",B4:B639,"adgroup2adprod", "enabled")
This will provide a DUMP of converted Campaign Name to Adgroup Name, with “US” as the marketplace and B4:B386 being the CampaignName. The data dump contains the lists of Adgroup Name and Adprod. The direction is from “adgroup2adprod” and the status filter for the Adgroup Name is “enabled”.