Sample Usage
🚨 Use ranges (e.g.A2:A1000) in your formula wherever possible for quicker results and to prevent Google from blocking your account for 24 hrs due to overloading their resources.
=GORILLA_FEESESTIMATE("TOY STORE", "738-JDUY-32F", "default", "fullwithheader")
Syntax Description

Get the estimated fees associated with the product. (Not the actual settlement product fees and charges to your accounts).
GORILLA_FEESESTIMATE(Seller ID, sku, [marketplace], [returnStyle], [fulfillment])
Enter the seller ID or nickname you entered in your Gorilla account.
SKU or ASIN of the product. Can be an array of strings like {“SKU12345” , “ASIN12345”} or a string.
marketplace – OPTIONAL
Marketplace filter. Use “Default” for the seller default. Other valid values are country codes US, IT, etc.
returnstyle – OPTIONAL
- Full – displays full information of each seller offering the product without header information.
- Fullwithheader – auto-creates a header row and displays fulls information of each seller offering the product.
- FBAFees – Amazon’s FBA fee for your item
- PerItemFee – the per item fee Amazon charges for your product
- ReferralFee – the referral fee amount based on the category of your product
- VariableClosingFee – the variable closing fee
fulfillment – OPTIONAL
- ALL (default) – lists the default SKU fees for either FBA or FBM
- FBA – lists the FBA fees for the SKU
- FBM – lists the FBM fees for the SKU
For deeper understanding of all fees, please refer to the Ultimate Amazon Seller Fees Guide.
🚨 Use ranges (e.g.A2:A1000) in your formula wherever possible for quicker results and to prevent Google from blocking your account for 24 hrs due to overloading their resources.
Uses the ASIN or SKU entered in cell D2 and shows the total estimate fee (Fulfillment fee + referral fee) for the SKU. If Amazon does not have the price information, no estimate will be provided.
Supports 2 dimensional ranges. Also works horizontally. Bulk return an array of values by assigning the range of the SKU. In this example the SKU or ASIN is listed in A2:C10 and returns all values at once. Can also work for rows and ranges like A1:Z1 or D3:G37.
=GORILLA_FEESESTIMATE("TOY STORE", "738-JDUY-32F", "default", "fullwithheader")
Entering all the attributes will display the full breakdown of the fee estimate for the product. “Default” refers to your main marketplace. “Fullwithheader” creates another row before the results with the table headers to make it easy to identify.
This example will pull in the FBA fees for your product as a single value for the SKU in the US market. It will pull the fees for the FBA version of the product.