Sample Usage
🚨 Use ranges (e.g.A2:A1000) in your formula wherever possible for quicker results and to prevent Google from blocking your account for 24 hrs due to overloading their resources.
=GORILLA_INVENTORY("TOY STORE", D2, "ALL", "fulfillable")
=GORILLA_INVENTORY("TOY STORE", A1:A100, "US", "inbound_receiving")
=GORILLA_INVENTORY("TOY STORE", "B00YD545CC", "UK", "transfer")
Syntax Description

Get inventory data, quantities and status.
GORILLA_INVENTORY(sellerID, sku, [marketplace], [status], [fulfillment], [header])
Enter the seller ID or nickname you entered in your Gorilla account.
SKU or ASIN to filter the results. Can be a range of values like A1:A100 where A1 to A100 consists of values like SKU111, SKU222, SKU333 or ASIN123…
Marketplace country filter. Country codes are US, CA, MX, BR, BE, UK, DE, ES, IT, FR, NL, PL, TR, IN, SE, AE, AU, SG, JP, EG, SA. Use ‘ALL’ to combine values from a single account, ‘EU’ for all Europe markets EXCEPT UK, ‘EURO’ to combine countries using EURO currency. Amazon Marketplace ID like ‘ATVPDKIKX0DER’ can be used too.
status – OPTIONAL
Supply status. Can be a range of values like A1:E1 where A1 to E1 consists of different supply status values. Default is empty value for Total status. Valid values are:
- Total (or ALL) = fulfillable + inbound_working + inbound_shipped + inbound_receiving +reserved + unsellable
- warehouse = fulfillable + unsellable + reserved
- fulfillable (instock) – the number of units that can be fulfilled, NOT what is physically at the warehouse
- Local_Stock (only available for EU marketplaces) – physical inventory in the warehouse
- unsellable
- reserved = reserved_orders + reserved_transfer + reserved_processing
- inbound_working
- inbound_shipped (or “inbound”)
- inbound_receiving
- researching
- reserved_orders
- reserved_transfer (or “transfer”)
- reserved_processing
- available_distributable_qty
- reserved_distributable_qty
- total_inbound_qty
- total_onhand_qty
- Detailed
Refer to the seller central page for more details on the manage FBA inventory report.
‘ALL’ shows all products. ‘FBM’ displays fulfilled by merchant products only. ‘FBA’ displays fulfilled by Amazon products only. Default is set to ‘ALL’.
Include the header line in the results. Possible values: TRUE/FALSE. Default: FALSE
Check inventory values in UK marketplace
What you will see when using this is how Amazon provides inventory numbers across marketplaces.
For example, if you have 100 units in Germany, it is technically available in DE, UK, ES, FR, IT.
So Amazon enters your inventory as 100×5 = 500 inventory available.
So to get the number you want only for Germany, you have to enter the formula to be specific for the marketplace.
=GORILLA_INVENTORY("TOY STORE", ASIN,"DE","inbound_shipped")
In any spreadsheet, try
=GORILLA_INVENTORY("TOY STORE", ASIN123123,"DE","fulfillable")
=GORILLA_INVENTORY("TOY STORE", ASIN321321,"DE","researching")
=GORILLA_INVENTORY("TOY STORE", ASIN567856,"DE","reserved_processing")
And you will see the numbers for each marketplace.
- Total (or ALL) = fulfillable + inbound_working + inbound_shipped + inbound_receiving +reserved + unsellable
- warehouse = fulfillable + unsellable + reserved
- fulfillable (instock) – the number of units that can be fulfilled, NOT what is physically at the warehouse
- Local_Stock (only available for EU marketplaces) – physical inventory in the warehouse
- unsellable
- reserved = reserved_orders + reserved_transfer + reserved_processing
- inbound_working
- inbound_shipped (or “inbound”)
- inbound_receiving
- researching
- reserved_orders
- reserved_transfer (or “transfer”)
- reserved_processing
- Detailed
Refer to the seller central page for more details on the manage FBA inventory report.
FBA inventory report definitions
See seller central for their definitions.
Additional information on reserved quantities
Reserved Quantity | reserved | The total number of units in reserved status. |
Reserved – Customer Order | reserved_orders | The number of units reserved for customer orders. |
Reserved – FC Transfer | reserved_transfer | The number of units being transferred from one fulfillment center to another. |
Reserved – FC Processing | reserved_processing | The number of units that have been sidelined at the fulfillment center for additional processing. |
🚨 Use ranges (e.g.A2:A1000) in your formula wherever possible for quicker results and to prevent Google from blocking your account for 24 hrs due to overloading their resources.
Uses the ASIN or SKU entered in cell D2 and shows the total number of instock units across all marketplaces.
=GORILLA_INVENTORY("TOY STORE", "B00YD545CC", "UK", "transfer")
Gets the total number of units for ASIN B00YD545CC that are in transfer status for Italy marketplace.
Supports 2 dimensional ranges. Bulk return an array of values by assigning the range of the SKU. In this example the SKU or ASIN is listed in A2:A10 and returns all values at once. Can also work for rows and ranges like A1:Z1 or D3:G37.