Sample Usage
🚨 Use ranges (e.g.A2:A1000) in your formula wherever possible for quicker results and to prevent Google from blocking your account for 24 hrs due to overloading their resources.
=GORILLA_PROFITLOSSORDERS("MyShoeStore", "last 7 days")
=GORILLA_PROFITLOSSORDERS("MyShoeStore", "yesterday", , , "SHIPPED")

Syntax Description

Get the profit of each order. Like the manageorder() function, but other fees such as commission and FBA fees are included to calculate the profit per order.
WARNING: For large sellers, do NOT use this function for a long time period, like “last year”. It will try to load hundreds of thousands of orders. Google will timeout and will block your requests for the next 24hrs as it thinks you are a bot.
GORILLA_PROFITLOSSORDERS(sellerId, period, [filter], [marketplace], [status], [start_date], [end_date])
Enter the Seller ID or Nickname you entered in your Gorilla account.
period – REQUIRED
Predefined period to get orders or use custom to specify a start and end date.
filter – OPTIONAL
SKU, ASIN or Amazon Order Id to filter the results. Can be a range of values like A1:A100 where A1 to A100 consists of values like SKU111, SKU222, SKU333 or ASIN123..
marketplace – OPTIONAL
Marketplace country filter. Country codes are US, CA, MX, BR, UK, DE, ES, IT, FR, NL, PL, TR, IN, SE, AE, AU, SG, JP, EG, SA. Use ALL to combine values from a single account, EU for all Europe markets EXCEPT UK, EURO to combine countries using EURO currency.
status – OPTIONAL
Order status. Valid values are:
- All
- Canceled
- Pending
- PartiallyShipped
- Unshipped
- Shipped
- Shipping
start_date – OPTIONAL
Starting date for the returning range when period is “custom”.
end_date – OPTIONAL
Ending date for the returning range when period is “custom”.
Period Attributes
Today | This month | Last 3 Months |
Yesterday | This quarter | Last 12 Months |
Same day last week | This year | Last 7 Days Week Ago |
Same day last month | This Year-to-Last-Month | Last 7 Days Year Ago |
Same day last year | Last Week | Last 30 Days Month Ago |
Last 7 Days | Last Month | Last 30 Days Year Ago |
Last 14 Days | Last Quarter | Last Week Year Ago |
Last 30 Days | Last Year | Last Month Year Ago |
Last 90 Days | Last 60 Days | YYYY-MM (change format to text) |
This week | YYYY | YYYYQ1… YYYYQ4 |
Custom |
🚨 Use ranges (e.g.A2:A1000) in your formula wherever possible for quicker results and to prevent Google from blocking your account for 24 hrs due to overloading their resources.
=GORILLA_PROFITLOSSORDERS("MyShoeStore", "last 7 days")
This will list all orders over the last 7 days including all order statuses such as pending and shipped. You will get details such as the order ID, purchase date, order status, fulfillment channel, quantity shipped, price, taxes and more.
Returns a list of all order from last month for the SKU in the US marketplace. You can also reference a cell instead of manually entering it into the formula.
=GORILLA_PROFITLOSSORDERS("MyShoeStore", "yesterday", , , "SHIPPED")
This formula will list all the orders and the profit for yesterday that have been shipped.