Sample Usage
🚨 Use ranges (e.g.A2:A1000) in your formula wherever possible for quicker results and to prevent Google from blocking your account for 24 hrs due to overloading their resources.
=GORILLA_RANKHIST("TOY STORE", "last 30 days", A2:A100)
=GORILLA_RANKHIST("TOY STORE", "custom", A2:A5, "US", "top", "2022-06-01", "2022-06-30")
=GORILLA_RANKHIST("TOY STORE", "this month", "B00YD545CC", "JP", "child")
Syntax Description

Get the daily historical BSR (Best Seller Rank) over any time period for a single or range of sku’s. Only works for single marketplaces at a time. Not “ALL”.
GORILLA_RANKHIST(Seller ID, period, sku, [marketplace], [queryType], [start_date], [end_date], [transpose])
Enter the seller ID or nickname you entered in your Gorilla account.
period – REQUIRED
Predefined periods and any custom date frames to get the rank history. See full list of predefined periods below.
Today | This month | Last 3 Months |
Yesterday | This quarter | Last 12 Months |
Same day last week | This year | Last 7 Days Week Ago |
Same day last month | This Year-to-Last-Month | Last 7 Days Year Ago |
Same day last year | Last Week | Last 30 Days Month Ago |
Last 7 Days | Last Month | Last 30 Days Year Ago |
Last 14 Days | Last Quarter | Last Week Year Ago |
Last 30 Days | Last Year | Last Month Year Ago |
Last 90 Days | Last 60 Days | YYYY-MM (change format to text) |
This week | YYYY | YYYYQ1… YYYYQ4 |
Custom |
SKU or ASIN of the product. Can be a range like A2:A100 or an array of strings like {“SKU12345″,”ASIN12345”} or a string like “A734-FBE4-MDUS”.
marketplace – OPTIONAL
Marketplace filter. Use Default for the seller default. Other valid values are country codes US, IT, etc.
queryType – OPTIONAL
What to retrieve (defaults to “top”):
- top = Top Level category;
- all = All categories (only 1 SKU/ASIN allowed);
- child = Child category.
start_date – OPTIONAL
Starting date for the returning range when period is custom.
end_date – OPTIONAL
Ending date for the returning range when period is custom.
transpose – OPTIONAL
If no, show SKUs as column headers, if empty or yes return dates as headers.
🚨 Use ranges (e.g.A2:A1000) in your formula wherever possible for quicker results and to prevent Google from blocking your account for 24 hrs due to overloading their resources.
=GORILLA_RANKHIST("TOY STORE", "last 30 days", A2:A100)
This formula is the same as the above, but to transpose the table, a “yes” is added at the end. The other optional values are not entered. You can use “yes” or “no” to change table transposition direction.
=GORILLA_RANKHIST("TOY STORE", "last 30 days", A2:A100, , , , ,"yes")
Bulk returns the BSR over the preset “last 30 days” for all SKU’s from A2 to A100. No marketplace is specified so the default marketplace for your account is returned.
=GORILLA_RANKHIST("TOY STORE", "custom", A2:A5, "US", "top", "2018-06-01", "2018-06-30")
Bulk returns BSR from June 1 to June 30 for each SKU from A2 to A5. Also returns the top level category the SKU is located in. USA marketplace is requested.
=GORILLA_RANKHIST("TOY STORE", "this month", "B00YD545CC", "JP", "child")
Returns the rankings for each day this month for the sku. Requesting Japan marketplace ranking and category will show the top level category as well as the deepest child category.

=GORILLA_RANKHIST("TOY STORE", "2021Q1", "US", "B00YD545CC", "All")
=GORILLA_RANKHIST("TOY STORE", "2021-05", "US", "B00YD545CC", "All")
To get quarterly data use the format YYYYQ1, YYYYQ2, YYYYQ3, YYYYQ4 as the preset period.
To get monthly data, use the format YYYY-MM as the preset period.