Sample Usage
🚨 Use ranges (e.g.A2:A1000) in your formula wherever possible for quicker results and to prevent Google from blocking your account for 24 hrs due to overloading their resources.
=GORILLA_RANKING("TOY STORE", "B00YD545CC", "US", "top", "r_cat")
=GORILLA_RANKING("TOY STORE", "A2:A10", , "top", "rank")
Syntax Description

Get Best Sellers Rank (BSR) for the broadest top level category or deepest child category. Only works for single marketplaces at a time. Not “ALL”.
GORILLA_RANKING(Seller ID, sku, [marketplace], [queryType], [returnStyle])
Enter the seller ID or nickname you entered in your Gorilla account.
SKU or ASIN of the product. Can be an array of strings like {“SKU12345″,”ASIN12345”} or a string.
Marketplace filter. Use Default for the seller default. Other valid values are country codes US, IT, etc.
queryType – OPTIONAL
What to retrieve (defaults to “Top”):
- top = Top Level category;
- all = All categories (only 1 SKU/ASIN allowed);
- child = Child category.
returnStyle – OPTIONAL
Return style (defaults to “rank”):
- rank = Rank Only;
- r_cat = Rank + Category (accepts array input);
- r_full= Rank + Category Path (accepts array input).
Matrix array inputs like A1:E10 is only accepted for when “rank” is used. Cannot use arrays for r_cat and r_full.
🚨 Use ranges (e.g.A2:A1000) in your formula wherever possible for quicker results and to prevent Google from blocking your account for 24 hrs due to overloading their resources.
=GORILLA_RANKING("TOY STORE", “B00YD545CC”, "US", "top", "r_cat")
Returns BSR of the top category as well as the category name for unit B00YD545CC for the US marketplace.
=GORILLA_RANKING("TOY STORE", "A2:A10", , "top", "rank")
Supports array inputs. Bulk return an array of values by assigning the range of the SKU or ASIN. In this example the SKU or ASIN is listed in A2:A10 and returns all values at once. Default marketplace is used as it is not set.